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Welcome to Herculaneum High School!  My name is Stephanie Dix and it is my honor to be the principal.  Prior to becoming the principal at HHS in 2020, my experience includes eight years as a high school special education teacher and five years as a high school assistant principal.  As a graduate of Herculaneum High School, I am proud to serve the students, parents, and community at my alma mater.

As the principal of Herculaneum High School,
I will use these commitments as guidance:

  • I am committed to ensuring that every student is provided the opportunity to find individual success.
  • I am committed to fostering positive partnerships with all stakeholders.
  • I am committed to engaging the community to cultivate a trusting relationship where stakeholders are confident in our schools. 
  • I am committed to transparency and ongoing communication with students, staff, families, and the community.
  • I am committed to maintaining high expectations for myself and those I serve.

I feel grateful to partner with such incredible people to help every student at Herculaneum High School meet their goals and find success.